Gobernador Gregores Aerodrome, Santa Cruz, Departamento de Río Chico, Argentina :
Gobernador Gregores Aerodrome
- city with 0 inhabitant. . Its time zone America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos, it is located at medium height 358 meters, its location - latitude -48.7833300 and longitude -70.1666700.
Location and geographical location of Gobernador Gregores Aerodrome :
Country flag | ![](/flags/flags/01_flat_res/flat-res-40x30/xar.png.pagespeed.ic._EMotTCBBX.png) |
Location | Gobernador Gregores Aerodrome |
State | Santa Cruz |
County | Departamento de Río Chico |
Country | Argentina |
Country code / ISO 2 | AR |
Latitude | -48.7833300 |
Longitude | -70.1666700 |
Altitude | 358 meters |
Time zone | America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos |
Routes and distances from Gobernador Gregores Aerodrome to a selection of major cities :
List of the most important federal and national cities with distances and itineraries from Gobernador Gregores Aerodrome (Santa Cruz, Departamento de Río Chico, Argentina).
How to get from Gobernador Gregores Aerodrome to the main cities of Santa Cruz
Calculation of distances and directions from Gobernador Gregores Aerodrome to major Gauteng cities.
- Buenos Aires (07), 13,076,300 inhabitants. 1,852 km
- Cordoba (05), 1,428,214 inhabitants. 1,998 km
- Rosario (21), 1,173,533 inhabitants. 1,933 km
- Mendoza (13), 876,884 inhabitants. 1,773 km
- San Miguel de Tucuman (24), 781,023 inhabitants. 2,482 km
- La Plata (01), 694,167 inhabitants. 1,841 km
- Mar del Plata (01), 553,935 inhabitants. 1,571 km
- Quilmes (01), 518,788 inhabitants. 1,846 km
- Salta (17), 512,686 inhabitants. 2,703 km
- Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz (21), 489,505 inhabitants. 2,068 km
- San Juan (18), 447,048 inhabitants. 1,925 km
- Resistencia (03), 387,158 inhabitants. 2,561 km
- Santiago del Estero (22), 354,692 inhabitants. 2,391 km
- Corrientes (06), 339,067 inhabitants. 2,564 km
- Posadas (14), 323,739 inhabitants. 2,682 km
- Moron (01), 319,934 inhabitants. 1,838 km
- San Salvador de Jujuy (10), 305,891 inhabitants. 2,770 km
- Bahia Blanca (01), 276,546 inhabitants. 1,286 km
- Parana (08), 262,295 inhabitants. 2,063 km
- Neuquen (15), 242,092 inhabitants. 1,107 km
- Pilar (01), 226,517 inhabitants. 1,845 km
- Formosa (09), 221,383 inhabitants. 2,723 km
- San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca (02), 188,812 inhabitants. 2,292 km
- San Luis (19), 183,982 inhabitants. 1,753 km
- Berazategui (01), 167,498 inhabitants. 1,844 km
- La Rioja (12), 162,620 inhabitants. 2,175 km
- Rio Cuarto (05), 153,757 inhabitants. 1,808 km
- Balvanera (07), 152,198 inhabitants. 1,852 km
- Concordia (08), 145,210 inhabitants. 2,189 km
- Comodoro Rivadavia (04), 140,850 inhabitants. 382 km
Distances from Gobernador Gregores Aerodrome to regional and border cities :
This section lists the distances from Gobernador Gregores Aerodrome (Santa Cruz, Departamento de Río Chico, Argentina) to the nearest regional cities. By clicking on the appropriate links, you will get a route between Gobernador Gregores Aerodrome and neighboring major cities (national and transboundary). Travel calmly!
- Comodoro Rivadavia, 140,850 inhabitants. :
382 km
- Río Gallegos, 85,700 inhabitants. :
323 km
- Caleta Olivia, 36,077 inhabitants. :
328 km
- El Calafate, 8,000 inhabitants. :
231 km
- Río Turbio, 6,650 inhabitants. :
343 km
- 28 de Noviembre, 4,686 inhabitants. :
344 km
- Punta Arenas, 117,430 inhabitants. :
489 km
- Coyhaique, 45,787 inhabitants. :
385 km
- Puerto Natales, 20,000 inhabitants. :
368 km
- Puerto Aisén, 16,936 inhabitants. :
422 km
Airports nearby Gobernador Gregores Aerodrome :
Find a train station near Gobernador Gregores Aerodrome :
Find a hotel in Gobernador Gregores Aerodrome